picked up a copy of the flight orders issued by the Florida
Headquarters of the Civil Air Patrol to authorize flying the Miami
Composite Squadron Two Drill Team to Memphis aboard USAF aircraft. It had
been left on a clipboard sitting on a chair after a squadron meeting.
The orders included the required authorization numbers from the Civil
Air Patrol Wing Headquarters and the respective USAF travel or
funding codes. I took the orders home and studied them until I
practically wore them out.
dad kept an old typewriter at home, one he brought from his insurance
office down on Biscayne Boulevard. He used it to type up insurance
and claim reports he sometimes did at home. He also had several blank
mimeograph masters he used to make forms he needed at work. I had
watched over his shoulder as he typed up master documents and asked
what they looked like when he was finished. He pulled several
official looking documents from his briefcase and told me they were
made from mimeograph masters just like he was using. It looked just
like the forms we had as flight orders. He just took the masters to
work and ran off as many finished copies as he needed.
asked if I could have one or two to print orders for a Civil Air
Patrol project, and if he would run them off for me at his office. He
reluctantly agreed to help, as long as I didn't get carried away with
using too many. Placed on a drum of a mimeograph machine, you could
run off or print as many copies of a single master as you wanted. So,
one night, I practiced on a sheet of paper until I had it exactly
like the real orders I picked up at the meeting, except I changed the
dates to the coming weekend. When I had it like I wanted, I placed
one of the priceless masters in the typewriter and carefully typed
out my first flight order. I left the names open until I found out
who would go with us on the first attempt to fly with the 76th Troop
Carrier Squadron, 435 the Troop Carrier Wing, USAFRes.
76th was an active reserve unit based at Miami International Air
Depot, better known as MIAD. MIAD was on the west side of Miami
International Airport, away from the commercial terminals and was
located in the center of the freight hub of the airport. A chain link
fence and a stinky, fuel fouled canal separated the Air Force section
from the commercial freight terminals at the end of a row of
warehouses. The gate to the Air Force section was never closed in the
three years our drill team practiced there. We practiced drill in the
evenings outside the compound, in the dimly lighted streets between
the warehouses, but access to the Air Force compound was basically
open to anyone who wanted to drive or walk in.
were only five of us on the first flight. I only told my closest
friends and the ones I knew who would help me pull it off. My younger
brother Dean, who had joined the CAP as soon as he was eligible, Jim
Coleman, Wayne Horstkamp, and either Tom Gerard or Tom Benson, and I,
made up the first flight manifest. Once I had the names, I took the
master, placed it back in the typewrite and slowly and carefully
typed the names over the manifest listing. My dad took the master to
work with him and printed off 10 copies or so. He brought them home
before our weekend attempt at finagling rides in C-119 flying
boxcars, and I excitedly studied my masterpieces. I could hardly wait
to try them out.
with our official looking flight orders no one knew were fake besides
Dean and I, – I lied to my dad, too, in a way. I told him it was
all authorized, we just needed someone to print the orders – we all
met on a Saturday morning just outside the main gate at MIAD
flight-line, the old Air Force section on the west side of Miami
International Airport. We told our parents not to wait on us, we
would call them sometime late in the afternoon.

official CAP cadet fatigue uniform at the time was white T-shirt,
blue jeans and black shoes. The standard Air Force soft cap with a
CAP patch on it was the only official looking part of the get up. The
fact I was the oldest one at only 15 didn't make us look real
military, rather like a group of explorer scouts who had on Air Force
caps. There
was no guard at the gate, and it was wide open, so we decided not to
march in, just walk in carrying our orders in a manila folder. We had
been to Base Ops, the flight operations center, inside the main
hangar when we flew to Memphis, so I knew where the flight manifests
were hanging on clip boards. I walked up to the counter and announced
the Civil Air Patrol had five cadets authorized to fly as passengers,
space permitting, in local, non-transient flights made by the 76th
Troop Carrier Squadron. Officially, the orders read, we were allowed
to fly as part of the Observer's program. I thought it sounded very
NCO behind the counter took the orders, looked at me and left without
saying a word. He came back a few minutes later and asked who was in
charge. I told him as the senior cadet NCO present, I was. He then
asked which flight we would like to go on, they had two leaving in
about an hour. One flight was going to Orlando and the other to
Sarasota to pick up reservists for an upcoming training weekend. To
say my heart was about to jump out of my chest was an understatement.
One of the pilots standing at the counter watching us came over and
chatted with us for a few minutes, then suggested we go with him to
Sarasota as he was only picking up ten or twelve reservists. He would
have an empty airplane.
were absolutely thrilled! My pulse never slowed down the whole time
we were in the Operations room, and I still to this day get excited
thinking about the first time we climbed up into the big, open,
smelly, fuselage of the Boxcar. The Flight engineer came down and
introduced himself, then gave us an in-depth lesson in wearing the
parachutes required for every passenger in the airplane. The
parachutes were simply piled in the back of the plane, dumped there
by the last wearers to be picked up by the next bunch of passengers.
each picked out a parachute, and watched as the Engineer snapped open
the back cover of the chute and gave us a lesson in what to look for.
He showed us the latch pins attached to the cable that ran over the
chest to the D-ring on the other end. He also pulled out the little
white inspection book with the date and name of the inspector. We
never got on another Air Force flight without checking the pack date
on the inspection book or not looking for bent pins or obstructions
to the cable.
had a great flight, landing first at Fort Myers to pick up two or
three reservists, then flying to Sarasota to pick up a hand-full
more. After we landed back at Miami, we waited and walked back to
base ops with the flight crew, and in our best military manner,
thanked them for the great experience. The pilot said, “Be here at
1:30 tomorrow afternoon and you can go on the flight to take them
did, and we flew with many flight crews of the 76th TCS for the next
year and a half. We even got invited to spend weekends at the reserve
center as guests. We got to stand fire-watch with the real crew
members as the big radial engines roared to life, work on refueling
trucks, and even got to eat in the mess hall and sleep in the billets
with the reservists. It was a thrill we all loved. The flying though,
was the best part. We kept up the facade about the orders and no one
ever questioned us. We flew sometimes three or four times a month.
bought used Air Force flight-suits, and even carried hunting knives.
We all had survival mirrors tied to our flight-suits somewhere, even
though the mirrors were kept in a leg pocket. We rarely wore the CAP
caps, doing our best to look like regular Air Force personnel. We got
more than a few stares from AF Reservists flying back and forth
between their homes and their once-a-month weekend duty in Miami as
we acted like the aircraft were ours.
part I worried the most about was when we told our new senior member
commander, Captain Howard Gelbman, about the “great new Air Force
program” that allowed us to fly with them on a space-available
basis. Gelbman had replaced my original commander, Palumbo, and was
the one responsible for training the drill team. I first told Scott
Stoddard, our cadet adjutant, that we were flying with the Air Force
but I didn't tell him how we got the orders. Instead, I made it sound
like we had stumbled on an Air Force program we simply hadn't taken
advantage of. Scott thought it was a great idea and he presented it
to Capt. Gelbman. Capt. Gelbman, our senior member, Commander of
Cadets, Miami Composite Squadron Two, agreed and asked me to run the
program so all cadets would get a chance to fly if they wanted. I was
home free! I even got promoted to Cadet Second Lieutenant! Neither
the Air Force nor the Civil air patrol ever questioned the program
from then on. At every Tuesday night meeting for the next year and a
half, I stood up at the end of the meeting and asked those who wanted
to go to give me their names. Then I would go home and type up
another set of fake flight orders.
would show up for every reservist weekend, and sometimes on regular
weekends just on the possibility of a plane going somewhere we could
“sand-bag.” I spent many more hours in the back, watching the
Everglades or the lakes below. The old planes weren't pressurized so
they couldn't go over ten thousand feet. We rarely flew more than
five or six thousand feet high, the big billowing clouds over the
center of the state even more impressive than ever. We got to be so
much a part of the reservist's routine, many times I wasn't even
asked for copies of the fake flight orders, all we did was sign in on
the flight manifest sheet. The most I ever took with us on one flight
was twenty cadets, outnumbering the reservists who couldn't
understand why we wanted to fly in those airplanes. Most of them
hated flying in the Boxcars. On many occasion, we were the only
passengers both ways. Not all the cadet rookies enjoyed the big,
smelly planes as much as our core group of flying junkies, but many
came back as often as their parents would allow.
assigned all cadets who had flown in the C-119s before to be mentors
to the first time fliers. Some of the teenagers had never flown in an
airplane before. We would show the new cadets the parachute
inspection routine while the Air Force Reservists would just sit and
watch, some had never seen it done before. We knew more about the
equipment than most of them did. We looked just like the flight crews
by then with our olive drab Air Force flight suits, complete with
survival knifes secured to our pockets and zippers. The CAP cadet
insignia on our caps gave us away, so we rarely wore them, keeping
them folded in our pockets except when we were in Base Ops.

black, plastic, funnel-shaped relief tubes in the back of the C-119's
were notorious. We used them as an initiation for the new cadets who
flew with us the first time. The veteran cadets told the newbies, the
first time fliers, if they wanted to ride in the cockpit they had to
use the intercom to ask permission from the pilot. The intercom, of
course were the relief tubes. Most cadets never fell for the stunt,
mainly because they didn't have the nerve to ask the pilot anything,
but every once in a while, a new cadet would get up his nerve and
pick up the relief tube, hold it close enough to talk into and say
“Hello?” Then he would put the black funnel next to his ear to
hear if he got an answer. While the ones watching from the front of
the airplane would erupt in laughter, we never let on why. That was
up to the rookie to figure out. When they saw the relief tubes being
used for what they were designed, they rarely ever said a word. We
always had barf bags, the air sickness paper bags tucked away in
pockets because someone would invariably woof during rough weather.
of the worst flights was a return trip from Orlando when we had to
fly through one of the famous Florida thunderheads. We were pitched
violently for many long minutes. The lights went out, came back on,
then went out again. It was almost dark inside the plane even though
it was in the afternoon. The cadet sitting next to Dean, on the other
side of the aircraft began to lose it, and before Dean could give him
a barf bag, the new cadet turned, and instead of leaning forward to
keep it away from everybody, simply tilted his head down and threw
up. Needless to say, he started a chain reaction that soon swept the
whole plane. We always cleaned up afterward unless the flight crew
told us to leave the plane. We didn't want the crewmen to do it as we
were afraid they might cancel the program to get rid of us.
floor of the airplane was covered in wooden boards with several metal
rails that ran from front to back, interspersed with big, metal tie
down loops. The seats were simply canvas stretched of metal tube
frames. You could watch screw heads in the side panels vibrate
completely around from the heavy engine vibration during takeoff when
the engines were at full power. We got to sit in the huge, spacious
cockpit of the C-119 many times during takeoffs and landings.
favorite was Sarasota, takeoffs there were always memorable. The old
C-119 would sit with its twin-boom tail right up against the US 41
perimeter fence and go through the engine run-up procedures. When we
got permission to take off, the pilot would swing around and line up
at the end of the longest runway, stand on the brakes and run the
engines to full power. The old airplanes would shudder and shake, and
when the pilot had maximum power, he would release the brakes and the
airplane woulds lurch crookedly forward until the pilot had it
straight again. We would lumber slowly at first, then pick up speed
just as we passed the control tower where the nose would lift up, but
the pilot never pulled up then, waiting until we were practically out
of runway before he would pull back gently on the wheel and we would
clear the eastern fence of the airport by 50 or 60 feet. You could
see the facial expressions on the people in the cars on the road
were four fixed seats in the flight deck, with another fold down seat
we got to use as “observers,” plus there was a long work table
across the back of the cockpit with a neat little view screen called
a “drift meter.” We would take turns looking down through the
device with its marked divisions and graticule and pretend it was a
bomb sight. Flight crews were always made up of a pilot, a copilot,
and a flight engineer who did everything from load-master to coffee
runs for the pilots. We could fit three cadets on the table, and two
in the empty seats. During landings the pilot would clear the deck of
anyone who couldn't be strapped in, so at least two of us got to sit
up front for every landing. I had over 80 hours of cockpit time,
signed in my CAP logbook, by the time I joined the Air Force in
December of 1960.
early 1960, Miami International Air Depot closed, and the 76th TCS
moved to Homestead Air Force Base, forty miles further south. The
C-119s were eventually retired and my CAP flight program came to a
close. Ironically, I flew in a U. S. Air Force aircraft only once the
next eight years I was on active duty in the Air Force, and that was
when I flew to Germany! The Civil Air Patrol was a great time for
many cadets, young flying enthusiasts who got to experience military
flying at the end of the propeller-driven era, and the beginning of
the jet age. No one realized the whole thing was put on by a sixteen
year old boy who typed with two fingers.